Designs for RUB shirts und pullovers

The current, official university clothing designs of Ruhr-Universität Bochum merchandising are very boring. I present my alternative designs based on the concrete signposts found everywhere on campus.

Simple JavaScript gallery

Most drop-in HTML image galleries are bloated and very complicated. I tried to write a super simple and minimal HTML image gallery in JavaScript. It is written in less than 50 lines!

Featured image of post Sailing trip in the Baltic Sea

Sailing trip in the Baltic Sea

Last week, I went on a sailing trip in the Baltic Sea. I've seen seals, wind turbines, giant ships, and a sunset with a green flash. In this blog post in German, I want to talk about my experience.

Featured image of post How to Choose a New Phone

How to Choose a New Phone

If you're like me, it is pretty hard to select a phone to buy nowadays. Cheap phones have gotten really good, and all high-end phones have got some weird quirks. In this post, I explain how I picked my new phone.